So you may have downloaded fullcd.iso.gz and burned it into a CD. Now you actually want to use it.

  1. Boot the CD
  2. It takes a few seconds (5 or so) to load the loader then a few more to load the kernel and start the system up
  3. Eventually it gets to the message press control-shift-L to logon
  4. So press control-shift-L and it will put you in the shell (the startup file is set up to bypass username/password prompt)

Compiling a program

Now that you have everything on the hard drive, suppose you want to create and compile a C program.

  1. Create a directory for your source files, like /mystuff/
    credir /mystuff/
  2. Set the default directory to it
    set default /mystuff/
  3. Put your source files in there. Either create them with edt, copy them from a floppy or use the FTP daemon to get them.
  4. Compile a source file into an object file (all on one line)
    gcc -O2 -DOZ_HW_TYPE_486 -c -o file.o file.c
    You can use whatever options you want with gcc, but you must include -DOZ_HW_TYPE_486
  5. Repeat the above step for each source file
  6. Link to create executable (all on one line)
    ldelf exefile.elf file1.o file2.o ... /ozone/objects/oz_crtl_start.o /ozone/libraries/oz_crtl.a /ozone/binaries/oz_kernel.elf
  7. Run the resulting image
    run exefile.elf command line arguments

Transferring files to/from a FAT floppy (or hard drive partition)

Suppose you want to copy something to/from a FAT floppy.

  1. Load the FAT filesystem driver
    run oz_util_kimage.elf load oz_dev_fat.elf
  2. Maybe initialize floppy
    init floppy.p0 oz_fat somelabel
  3. Mount floppy
    mount [-readonly] floppy.p0 oz_fat
  4. Copy some files to it
    copy /ozone/startup/*.cli floppy.p0.oz_fat:/
  5. List them out
    dir floppy.p0.oz_fat:/
  6. All done with it
    dism floppy.p0.oz_fat
Caution: Though I have tested the FAT driver quite a bit, I do not recommend that you use it in a read/write mode on a disk with valuable contents. It hasn't been pounded on and may corrupt the disk if there are any bugs in it. You have been warned. If you want to copy files back and forth between OZONE and WindoesNT or Linux, use a small separate FAT partition for doing so.

Internet access

If you have a Dec Tulip card with a 21041 or 21140 in it, you can start the ip stack. It also works with a Realtek 8139. The tulip driver only supports twisted-pair 10MHz mode whereas the Realtek 8139 driver will autosense for either 10MHz or 100MHz, and half- or full-duplex (ie, the chip pretty much did it without any effort ;). Edit the /ozone/startup/ip_startup.cli file:

  1. Change the ip filter commands to your liking (or delete them all to let everything through)
  2. Change the dectulip_2_4 to your device name (do show system -devices to see your device's name)
  3. Change the 192.168... stuff to your IP addresses
  4. Change the DNS addresses to your DNS servers
  5. Exit editor and do a shutdown -reboot

Sorry I only have an FTP daemon, no client. There is both a telnet client and daemon.

Making kernel changes

To make changes to the kernel:

  1. set default /ozone/sources/
  2. Make changes to desired files
  3. script ozmake_486.cli ../binaries/oz_kernel.elf
  4. shutdown -reboot
If your new kernel is messed up and won't boot, you can delete it at the loader prompt. Since the old version is still there, it will then boot the old version. So:
  1. press return within 5 seconds before the first loader prompt times out
  2. dir ide_pm.3.oz_dfs:/ozone/binaries/ - to see what's there
  3. delete ide_pm.3.oz_dfs:/ozone/binaries/oz_kernel.elf; - to delete the latest version
  4. dism ide_pm.3.oz_dfs - to dismount disk before booting kernel
  5. press control-Z to resume booting
Don't forget about the console input command editing keys to help with retyping stuff.